Super 8 film | 4:3 | Stereo | 3’32” | Experimental |2003 | Finland
The starting point for the video is a Super 8 film and a cassette tape that were buried underground for a year. The film and the analogue audio tape were exposed to freezing temperatures, frost, thawing, and flooding, along with microorganisms. Together, they form an organic, audiovisual entity.
Exhibitions & screenings:
Filmverkstaden (Finland, Vaasa, 2015)
Centre d´Art Santa Monica (Spain, Barcelona, 2008)
Loop08 – International Festival And Fair For Video Art (Spain, Barcelona, 2008)
Museo de la Ciencia Cosmo Caixa (Spain, Barcelona, 2008)
Kill Your Timid Notion Festival (Dundee Contemporary Arts, Scotland, 2007)
Galleria Huuto (Finland, Helsinki, 2003)